Saturday, April 27, 2013

Filipino maid-They can teach everyone a lesson

By Alice Sy

A Filipino maid undoubtedly exists along with any maid agency in the world. Wherever there is a household in need of a maid worldwide, the resilient Filipino can travel all the way from the Philippines just to lend a helping hand. We may see them as just that, a helper, but there is something deeper to them and their job, something we can all learn from.

Domestic workers have something we can all use: sacrifice for others. Their job itself is about hard work just to provide a helping hand in homes. Their most gruesome sacrifice though is beyond the hard work involved. It is about working all your life in another foreign land. Work hard for many years, without your family. You have to bear leaving the country alone, without anyone.

The domestic helper is born with humility, something everyone must have today. That's because serving others is sacrificing one's pride and doubling one's patience and understanding. If we all live with humility in our hearts, imagine how peaceful and caring the atmosphere will be.

Ever witnessed a sad helper video involving the maid and her family? There are many stories behind a worker separated from the family. Most Filipino maids belong to the poorest families in the Philippines and they work hard not for themselves but for their family as well. In the end, all the sacrifice and hard work is for a family left behind, not for one's self.

Do you hate household chores? If only you can learn how the Filipino maid lives all her life cleaning then you would probably be humbled. In the end, their value as a person is what counts the most. They are loving, hard working and remain happy with whatever comes in life. This is something everyone must imitate, a value which is priceless beyond this lifetime.

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