Increasing the traffic to your website can be beneficial to your business. Article marketing has quickly become a go-to method of improving business that you may be very interested in learning about. The following article will offer advice regarding how to go about stimulating business by utilizing article marketing.
It's important to know that when you want to get targeted traffic from places like Google you need to be on top of all the changes and updates they have done. Their rules change almost on a monthly basis, as internet marketer don't let that frustrate you instead give search engines exactly what they want. Quality content still rules in 2013.
Creating a unique logo or brand of your site is also a very cool strategy to build residual traffic, this means having large amounts of returning visitors. You don't want people to stop by your blog and leave forever, you want people engage with your site and coming back as much as possible. Of course this technique works best using blogs and not simple websites.
Now when you start writing articles or blog post there are few things you should keep in mind so you don't hurt your SEO rankings. The first thing is to make sure you don't overuse keywords in your articles, make sure you only have your keywords mentioned twice. You don't want your articles to be classified as spammy content because you have too many repeated keywords. Instead write valuable content while at the same time optimizing in a way that looks natural to the readers and search engines.
You may also use pictures with your blog posts or articles to improve your articles SEO score. Believe it or not pictures are actually welcome in SEO and they can be use to link to your main blog or site. Article marketing is not about quantity but quality the more content you place online the better traffic you'll get. Make sure that you use these tips correctly and take action and get to work.
It's important to know that when you want to get targeted traffic from places like Google you need to be on top of all the changes and updates they have done. Their rules change almost on a monthly basis, as internet marketer don't let that frustrate you instead give search engines exactly what they want. Quality content still rules in 2013.
Creating a unique logo or brand of your site is also a very cool strategy to build residual traffic, this means having large amounts of returning visitors. You don't want people to stop by your blog and leave forever, you want people engage with your site and coming back as much as possible. Of course this technique works best using blogs and not simple websites.
Now when you start writing articles or blog post there are few things you should keep in mind so you don't hurt your SEO rankings. The first thing is to make sure you don't overuse keywords in your articles, make sure you only have your keywords mentioned twice. You don't want your articles to be classified as spammy content because you have too many repeated keywords. Instead write valuable content while at the same time optimizing in a way that looks natural to the readers and search engines.
You may also use pictures with your blog posts or articles to improve your articles SEO score. Believe it or not pictures are actually welcome in SEO and they can be use to link to your main blog or site. Article marketing is not about quantity but quality the more content you place online the better traffic you'll get. Make sure that you use these tips correctly and take action and get to work.
About the Author:
Want to find out more about succeeding online check out how to make money online, then learn about how to get facebook likes to increase your traffic.
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