Continuing on the topic of wellness, physical wellness is something that must be kept in mind because in order to achieve wellness in all the other aspects attainable you must remember being fit comes along with it. Most people do not understand that you can be fit, but that does not mean that you're fit in a healthy manner. That also encourages questions about health to be asked. (Image by Suus Wansink via Flickr)
What exactly is health to you? This is a question that you must ask yourself before starting out on any journey. You must come to an agreement with yourself as to what you believe health is and how you can attain it. Being healthy of course is all about eating correctly, working out and many other aspects. Being healthy is not eating junk food and things of the sort. Let's look a little further:
1. Social Health. Going out and having fun with others is an essential part of being healthy. Being interactive is something important.
2. Mental health is the human ability to learn and to soar intellectually.
3. Emotional health deals with knowing your emotions and when to use them.
4. Spiritual health, this one is a little more open to judgment based upon what individual person believes.
So when we talk about health, we shouldn't only focus on our body, but to be interested in social interaction, intellectual dimension, emotions and spirit. Health is the sum of the physical, social, emotional, mental, spiritual status, and the balanced and healthy nutrition. All these health components are present to a greater or lesser extent. If these components are balanced, then we can say that someone has a perfect wellness condition.
What is being fit to you mean? Well if you do not know, being fit has to do with all of the things that we just spoke about. By adding those aspects and eating healthy and working out, you are becoming a fit person. By doing all of these things you are saving yourself from heart disease and high blood pressure and much more.
...Additional information at Fitness And Healthy Diet
As you see being physically well and fit is more than just being able to run a mile without huffing and puffing, but physical wellness embodies everything from eating right to thinking right.
What exactly is health to you? This is a question that you must ask yourself before starting out on any journey. You must come to an agreement with yourself as to what you believe health is and how you can attain it. Being healthy of course is all about eating correctly, working out and many other aspects. Being healthy is not eating junk food and things of the sort. Let's look a little further:
1. Social Health. Going out and having fun with others is an essential part of being healthy. Being interactive is something important.
2. Mental health is the human ability to learn and to soar intellectually.
3. Emotional health deals with knowing your emotions and when to use them.
4. Spiritual health, this one is a little more open to judgment based upon what individual person believes.
So when we talk about health, we shouldn't only focus on our body, but to be interested in social interaction, intellectual dimension, emotions and spirit. Health is the sum of the physical, social, emotional, mental, spiritual status, and the balanced and healthy nutrition. All these health components are present to a greater or lesser extent. If these components are balanced, then we can say that someone has a perfect wellness condition.
What is being fit to you mean? Well if you do not know, being fit has to do with all of the things that we just spoke about. By adding those aspects and eating healthy and working out, you are becoming a fit person. By doing all of these things you are saving yourself from heart disease and high blood pressure and much more.
...Additional information at Fitness And Healthy Diet
As you see being physically well and fit is more than just being able to run a mile without huffing and puffing, but physical wellness embodies everything from eating right to thinking right.
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