Saturday, September 21, 2013

Can EV Olive Oil Prove Useful For Frying?

By Robert Sutter

I know what you're probably thinking: the title cannot possibly be right. After all, EV olive oil is viewed as one of the most healthful oils imaginable and it's not like it's commonly used for high temperatures. Why is it, then, that the idea of frying would be suggested? Even though there may be a couple of concerns on the matter, I'd like to set the record straight and give my viewpoint as to why frying can be done with this particular type of oil.

It's clear that EV olive oil has a number of healthful aspects but what about those related to taste? Are they going to translate in the same fashion?If this is concern, you can rest assured that this oil type is able to bring a greater element of flavor. In addition, your food will have another layer of moisture added, which plays into how nicely your taste buds accept it. These are the kinds of concepts which are supported by authorities along the lines of Bellucci Premium.

Even though it is more than worth jumping into cooking with this oil type, make sure that you understand the element of temperature well. The reason that I say this is because the oil type in question has a smoke point to consider. What this means is that you cook the oil to said point, there's a good chance that the antioxidants associated with it are going to fade, the item going bad as a result. This is especially troubling if you had your mind set on creating much more healthful items.

You may think that fried foods will absorb oil either way, meaning that you will not be able to attain all of the healthful properties associated with it. However, I'd like to say that the temperature of the oil, if warm enough, does not have to go through this process. Foods that are properly fried are the ones that you have to thank for this. Make sure that these elements are kept in place so that you do wind up with products which may have too much moisture.

If you didn't think that EV olive oil could be utilized for frying, I'd like you to look into the details just a little bit closer. You can find that it will prove itself as long as you're mindful of a number of different aspects. The smoke point of the oil is one such aspect and it is deserving of your attention en route to preparing some of the best dishes possible. If you may find yourself lost, though, do not feel hesitant to look up more information regarding this process.

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