Thursday, September 19, 2013

Fix (Or Avoid Completely) These Web Marketing Mistakes

By Dan Vlad

Those who are just getting their start with online marketing are very prone to making mistakes. The only problem is sometimes the mistakes are costly and there seems to be time lost. But just remember that the time was not a waste because hopefully you learned something valuable. So welcome to the business club because if you read the news, you'll see that all businesses make mistakes. At least you will now find out about a few common mistakes in a web business.

You can find just about anything on squeeze pages if you look at enough of them, but one thing that I hear and read about the most is that simple always works best. You can find squeeze pages that have just about anything and everything packed into them. But you have to be careful because people can be fickle at times, and they may not respond well to too much information. When you have too much going on, then they will not know what you are doing or what they are really supposed to do or why. When all is clearly laid out and the copy is short and sweet, then they can wrap their heads around it. There are so many mistakes that people make in online marketing. Millions of IM marketers for years have been getting material for content at the same places. Maybe you have done it, too, so you know all the places where recycled and rehashed content comes from. But this isn't a strategy that can really help you. More than anything else, try to think about your traffic and how they'll feel when they realize that you got your information somewhere else. Use better resources for your research if you want to get better results. It's just the truth that people want you to offer up content that is new and unique and unlike anything else they have read.

It is true that there are some people who are going to insist on attempting to game the SEO and they almost always end up having to start over. One of the worst (and most often made) mistakes and poor judgment calls deals with backlinks and SEO. Forget about using things like articles or article directories as sources of backlinks or for SEO benefits. Not only are the days of doing that done but they've been done for at least a couple of years. Unfortunately most newbies insist that this is the name of the game because they are using completely old information. It is not just the article directories because the web is full of sources that are bad news. You need to keep updating your knowledge base about the changes that have been taking place. There are so many mistakes that people make in online marketing. For too long millions of Internet Marketers have been getting their content at the same places. Maybe you have done it, too, so you know all the places where recycled and rehashed content comes from. This is a strategy that ultimately ends up working against you. More than anything, think about your visitors when they slowly realize they have read your information somewhere else. When you want the best results you need to go to better sources for your research. The fact of the matter is that people who surf the web are constantly wanting to find information that is new and different from the information they already know.

There are still so many Internet Marketers out there whose sole goal is to game the system somehow. Most of the time this is just a natural habit of behavior and one that they will never try to change. There are tons of ways to game anything online with business, and all you need to do is look at what's been going on with Pinterest. If you are really serious about having a real business, then you will avoid violating the Terms of Service of other sites. That type of violation is actually what is going on when people game the system. You'll see that respecting other businesses just gives you more longevity when it comes to your own web endeavors.

Mistakes can cost you more than your online business, and that is why it's imperative you avoid them. If you did not make any mistakes at all, then people may say you are not taking enough chances. You have to maintain awareness of what you are doing. But do try to avoid being perfect and being too cautious in your decision making.

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