Sunday, July 28, 2013

A Few Simple Tips On Jet Lag

By Francis Mitchell

Travelling by air is probably the best mode of transport between countries. The one thing everyone has in common is jet lag. This is normally when your body feels out of sync due to time travel as you will arrive in a country which is a few hours ahead of your own time zone. An example of this would be to arrive at your destination in the morning although you may have left your own country in the morning. Your body feels a little confused. The following will help with the jet lag.

When travelling try and avoid caffeine drinks like your hot chocolate or coffee. We all love our coffee and may think this will help in keeping us awake during the flight instead of drinking water. The caffeine in your system actually makes you feel tired and drains you of energy however if you drink water this will give you body lots of energy.

By going for a nap on the plane whether long or a short cap nap you body will begin to sync into your new time zone. Moving your watch forward to the time of arrival will also help your mind adjust to your new time. Sleeping might also take the boredom out of flying long haul as there are only so many films you can watch on your computer screen. Most travellers will not advise taking pills to make you sleep.

A good tip is to try and make you sleep zone the same time as your arrival time and stay awake during the day time and not fall asleep. This is important as your body will soon adjust to your new country and temperatures. You will begin to feel the benefit of this in a few days as you become accustomed to your new time zone.

Exercise could involve simply moving your hands and legs in a circular movement which helps the blood flow around your body added to this your intake of water will be perfect for your needs.

Jet lag can be a nuisance but with the simple steps above hopefully you will be able to fight this in a few days rather than a week.

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