Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Study On Addie Instructional Design Model

By Lela Perkins

The Addie instructional design model is all about planning. In life one need to plan things for them to be perfect. There is no way one can make it in life if they just want to do things the way the think. One needs to know that planning help out things. More profits are gotten in businesses while planning is done.

In making of anything that one sees a lot of planning is done. There are people who specialize in planning in different arrears. The people help in achieving best results in the work being done. For example people who design houses, they get paid the biggest amount of money than those people who do the hard work of constructions. This is because being able to get the best house out of an explanation is not easy.

Planning is an important thing that every person should be taught about. Planning help one to get to the goals of anything in an easier way. One does not struggle a lot. A good instance is when one does plan on the number of children they get. One should not get a number of kids that they cannot be able to raise.

In making of clothes, there is a lot of drawing done. In the world there are number of companies which are well known in coming up with unique and great clothes. The planner knows how the dresses are to be made. They draw an example of what the end result should be before they give it to people who should implement the drawing.

For the money that one have whether it is large or small amount, planning on how to use it is the best thing. It is always good to consider the amount of time that one may have before they get other amount money. The money at hand should be spent wisely and one should always make savings no matter how small they may be. Planning on how to spend what one have ensures that one never slips late, one does not also end up making people to know that they have either a lot of money or little amount.

In making of software and programs there are various stages that are involved. The most important stage is the one done at planning. A lot of drawing is done on the papers and using other program that are important to help them out. If the plan is not included, the functionality of the program may not be up to the functionality required.

If one has been planning the same thing for a long period of time, they end up making a lot of money. For instance, the people who plan on how a certain buildings should be constructed are able to make great money from the experience they have. They only draw a house using a paper and a pencil and they get the best money in the construction of that building.

The Addie instructional design model shows that money needs to be planned. One should not only work hard to earn their salary and then waste the money. They should plan on how to get the money on saving, investing and how they use the other share.

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