Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Are You Ready To Become Your Own Boss As A Full Time Internet Marketer?

By Howe Russell

There are many people who like the idea of learning how to become your own boss, but few actually get into a position to do it. While affiliate programs like Empower Network promote the idea of working from home, there are a number of things you need to take into consideration before making the decision to work from home full time.

Most internet marketers who dream of working from home are in no position to do so, because the majority of them are failing with their business at the moment. However, if you are lucky enough to be one of the few who are enjoying results and are tempted to see if a full time focus would improve those results even further, listen carefully. [
See how Russ Howe became established in empower network here.

Let's look at the main reason you got involved in working from home in the first place. Most people do it because they want to control their own financial future, as opposed to working a job they don't particularly enjoy. However, your job does provide you with the added comfort of a regular income. After all, that's the main reason you've been doing it for all of this time. Sadly, a guaranteed monthly income is the last thing you'll get from an online venture. Do your finances allow for a potentially massive decision like this?

It may seem like common sense that you should only consider quitting your job if your online business is in a position healthy enough to do so, but you'd be amazed at how many people make the transition far too early. Usually, people who are struggling with their chosen affiliate program do this under the impression that simply having more time each day to build their business will unlock the keys to success. The fact is they simply need to learn how to manage their time more effectively. There is nothing stopping someone with only 1-2 hours per day from building a great online income if they take the time to learn how to market effectively. Sadly, most people don't. Also, as soon as they lose the safety net of the guaranteed income they had at their day jobs, their online business becomes an awful lot more stressful than it used to be.

The extra stress which is generated is usually enough to make all of that extra free time useless. Many people find that despite having 4-5 extra hours per day to work on building their brand they don't work as effectively as they did before. Even though they may have only had 1-2 hours before, they used the time effectively because they weren't under such severe pressure to make it work.

Then there is the issue of retention. One of the biggest reasons so many home business opportunities struggle to make a name for themselves is customer retention. Most people who join affiliate programs are not serious about making money online, they are just looking for a quick fix. This leads to people quitting on a regular basis and having to be replaced in your downline.

For this reason, you should never consider quitting your job unless you are in a position where your finances allow you to do it without worry. Part of the process of learning how to become your own boss is learning that everything isn't as easy as it may seem in the adverts you see online. Companies like Empower Network might look very lucrative and appealing as a secondary income, but if it's the only job you have then you'll find it's a lot tougher despite all of the extra time you have available.

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